Justice Missy Daboul Margolis has spent her life and career working with people. From her time as an elementary and junior high school English teacher, to her work as the owner of a successful real estate firm, her greatest joys in life have been in making people happy.
Justice Margolis’ motivation in becoming a Justice of the Peace was to bring that happiness to couples wanting to join their lives together. For her entire life, she has been the member of her family that has been called upon to speak at family occasions, as well as the charity and business events in which she has been involved. You will find her warm, loving and gracious.
Your wedding will be one of the most moving and important events of your life. Justice Margolis will give it the time and attention it deserves to make it the most touching and beautiful experience you could ask for.
Other Information:
Missy Margolis is a fluent Spanish speaker and is learning French. She is also an arbitrator for the Securities and Exchange Commission and Nasdaq.